#2030: Swiss & US Classrooms Leveraging VR To Create Their Own Vision Of The Future
"Young students are best placed to tell us what education should look like! Thanks to this program, they will be able to present their ideas of what the future of school can be. This project has a tremendous amount of potential to finally give students a voice while learning how to use new techniques to construct their own vision of the future."
Rahel Tschopp, Founder @CompiSternli
The program will start with a training program lead by Maria Beltran, apelab co-founder using the latest Oculus Quest 2 headsets.
Within the next school year, teachers and students will have the opportunity to exchange on their vision for the future of education, climate change and work to solve real world problems and share their own perspective.
In the world we live in it's more important than ever to give a voice to younger generations. We will learn a lot from their personal vision across different cultures. Using immersive technologies will allow them to truly bring this into their own worlds and stories. We are already looking to extend the project to more countries and looking forward to seeing what the students come up with!
Emilie Joly, Co-Founder @apelab
All the virtual reality experiences created by the students will be showcased during an international showcase in the second part of 2021. There is still the opportunity for new schools to join the adventure. If you are part of a secondary school and interested to join the 2030 project, you can apply here: