Discover how teachers are using immersive technologies today to make the learning experience more engaging! Each session of this series will pair an educator with a team working on an immersive solution, and together they will describe and show you how it all works with students. Organised by the Zoe team and moderated by Jessica Millstone, Organizer of the NYEdTech Meetup and Managing Director at Copper Wire Ventures, & Emilie Joly, Founder and CEO of Apelab.
Students as Creators
with Zoe
Let’s give students superpowers! Creating is rewarding, especially with new digital tools like AR and VR.
See how Kwaku Aning, Director of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurial Thinking (CIET) at SDJA and his students are building amazing VR stories and games using Zoe.
Join live demos and conversation with Emilie Joly, co-founder of apelab.
June 10th 2020 @ 2pm PST
Students as Explorers
with BioDive
Learning about marine biology can be a lot of fun when students are able to conduct their own investigations!
See how Jessica Ochoa Hendrix, Co-founder of Killer Snails, and Marcia Rapone, Scientist Teacher are engaging middle school students through the BioDive platform.
Join the live demos of BioDive and participate in an insightful conversation!
June 17th 2020 @ 2pm PST
Teaching Math in VR
with Prisms
Math can be much more engaging in a 3D space. See how Anurupa Ganguly, co-founder and CEO at Prisms of Reality is changing the way we teach Mathematics.
Anurupa began as a Physics and Math teacher in the Boston Public Schools and led reform efforts at the NYC DOE and the Boston Public Schools.
Join the live-demos of PrismsVR and participate in an insightful conversation!