Everything you need to get inspired
Check out current and upcoming templates available in the Zoe app
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Getting Started
Zoe teamGet familiar with Zoe with a series of short exercices. Assign a music track to the tablet on the table, make the windmill rotate, set up a basketball, and more.

Benjamin DehantAsk participants to stand under the icon that best represents their current mood. A great icebreaker to start conversations!

Visual Charade
Benjamin DehantEach participants gets 5 minutes to recreate their favorite movie or TV show using only assets from the library.

Rube Goldberg Challenge
Benjamin DehantTest the provided example then build your own Rube Goldberg machine! The more crazy contraptions and chain reactions, the better.

Ocean Life
Zoe teamThis underwater environment comes with pre-programmed sea creatures and fishes. Don't hesitate to check out the interactions or add your own!

Solar System
Zoe teamOur entire solar system is represented in this template. Touch each planet to start their revolution around the sun. As you'll see, they don't all rotate the same way!

Clean the Forest
Zoe teamBest played with friends, this game requires to find garbage items spread around the forest and put them in the trash can.

Portfolio Hub
Zoe teamUse this template as the central hub of your immersive portfolio. Set up each star so that it leads to one of your scenes.

Publish your own templates
Did you create an experience that you think could be a cool template in Zoe? To be able to publish your scenes in the Zoe Community, click the button below and fill up the form to apply to become a publisher.
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