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2b. SteamVR support

This page explains how to install the OpenVR package inside the Unity XR Plugin. OpenVR is the necessary SDK for SteamVR to work. It is necessary for HTC Vive headsets but is also compatible for all others.

First make sure you first followed the Setup Unity for XR tutorial.

Then go to Window > Package Manager:

Open the Package Manager window

A new window pops-up. To add a package, go to the ‘+’ sign on the top left of the window. Open the drop-down menu and select ‘Add package from git URL…’

Adding a package

A text field appears. Paste the following link:

Paste the link to the repository

Press Add and wait for about 15-20 seconds.
WARNING: it may seem that nothing is happening, just wait until you see a progress bar.

Importing OpenVR package

Wait until all progresses are done. Then you can go to Edit > Project Settings and check that OpenVR is available under the XRPlugin. Check the ‘OpenVR Loader’ option for Unity to use SteamVR.

Using OpenVR inside the XR Plugin.

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