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Point and Click

This condition checks if the user is pointing at a specific IO with the controllers. Make sure your Target Object has ‘Point and Click’ enabled as Manipulation mode.

  • Point + trigger: allows you to check if the user is just pointing (like hovering) or pointing AND triggering at the same time (user presses trigger button). 
  • Hand: choose the hand you want to take into account (EITHER, LEFT or RIGHT, and BOTH if ‘+Trigger’ is not required in the condition)
  • Mode: If Mode is set to Point at it means the user needs to point to the specified IO (and trig if Point+trigger is checked). If Mode is set to Point Away or Release it means the user needs to point away from the object (and/or simply release the trigger).
  • Target Object(s): the object(s) IO you want to check if the user is pointing at or not. If you set several objects whenever one of them meets the condition it will validate it.
    Note: only IOs with “Point and Click” enabled at the root will be detected.
  • Minimum duration required: check details here.
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